I never leave you Bible Verses for the Day – Hebrews 13:5

I never leave you Day June 17 Bible verse Hebrews 13:5

I never leave you Bible Verses for the Day

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Well, isn’t that a great truth that God is telling you today? Admit it, you need God’s help. You need His protection.

Yes, sometimes, you feel like you’re cool and don’t need any God. But you know the reality of yourself.

Truth is Paramount

Image is not the most important. Truth is most important. Truth is paramount.

The Prince of the World, Satan, has convinced everyone that image is everything. But God clearly answers that – bulshit! Don’t give in to lies!

In the end, the ultimate victory will belong to God. Today, Satan feels like the Prince of this world and walks like an arrogant gangster through the streets of the world. But its end will be miserable.

God is the Creator and Ruler of the world. He is the Almighty. Revelation 1:8

And Satan is just a fallen angel. A trivial and jealous angel.

That is why I am telling you today – make the right choice. The hour will come when you will have to stand before God and give an account for your life.

You need God’s Help to stay Strong

But understand that you are a beloved child of God. It is inconceivable how you could betray your Heavenly Father. That is the real truth.

Therefore, you need God’s help to stay strong and not give in to lies, trust God. My brother, is it clear now what I am talking about here?

It is very difficult for one, without God’s help, to resist the opinion of the crowd.

But our Lord knows you. He knows when you are strong and when you are weak. That’s why he promised – I will never forget you, do not be afraid of anything. I never leave you. I am always your rock and strength. But you are a free man. Therefore, I will come to your aid, and I will be active. But only when you want it yourself, and when you invite me.

You fight and win. It will be an honor to God.

Like it or not, Bible Verses for the Day June 17 talks about it.

Read also Don’t become discouraged

Daily Bible Verses for the Day