Sometimes we as Christians feel powerless against the alluring temptations of sin and can’t stop sinning. We sometimes cannot find the strength to go against our fleshly desires in our day to day life. This is not unusual. Even Apostle Paul wrote that he too went through temptations.
Romans 7:23-25 say, “I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord”. Also, Psalm 38:17 and Psalm 57:4 talk about the same weakness to sin.
So, we know that there is a battle in us but we also know that God has given us victory over it and as children of God, we should not fall into sin and can stop sinning. However, if you as a Christian find that your resolve not to sin is weak, then there are a few things you can do to be strengthened and stop sinning the same sin against God forever.
Draw strength from the Word – stop sinning Bible verse
The Bible tells us that God’s word is powerful. It increases our faith and when we constantly meditate on it, it reminds us and gives us the strength not to fall into temptation when sin comes our way. Some Bible verses that idea how to stop sinning against God include Psalm 119:11 and Joshua 1:8.
When you constantly meditate on the word of God and stand on it in prayer, you are bound to see its effect in your life and stop sinning.
Change your friends circle
It may be that you find it easy to fall into sin because of the influence of the people you spend more time with. When you hang around people who have little care or respect for God and don’t stop sinning like it does not matter, with time, you begin to flirt with sin because of their influence on you. So, it is important that you make sure the people you spend a lot of time with are people of God. You should make sure they are people who challenge you to live a life free of sin and who help you to abstain from sin and do not bring all those temptations to your face. Proverbs 27:17 say “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. The same words we find in 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?”
Ask God for strength and Grace
Importantly, you should pray about it. You should ask God for his help. There is nothing that God cannot do and his Grace is sufficient for us in our troubles. The Bible let us know that we will be saved by the grace of God through faith, not by ourselves. So, you should ask your Father in heaven to give you strength and he will. Philippians 4:13 say “I can do everything through him who gives me strength”. Also, 2 Timothy 4:17 gives us an idea of what God’s strength can do for us.
Make a conscious effort to stop sinning the same sin against God forever
The Bible tells us in James 2:18-26 that faith without works is useless. While you believe, you must act in accordance with your belief. If you have read the word and spoken it in faith, then, you should go in your life as a man who is free from sin and you will be enabled to stay away from sin.
You could use vision and affirmation boards to ensure your improvement in this regard. Write what you want to see, effectively confess about yourself on a note. Then read it every morning and every evening. You repeat the words to yourself every day. Let the words you speak motivate you and help you stop sinning.
If you follow these advises, you will be able to stay away from sin by God’s Grace.
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