Christian Prayer for Healing Cancer, Health, Strength, and Comfort

prayer for healing

Christian Prayer for strength and healing cancer. Cancer happens always unexpectedly. This diagnosis is always shocking. It’s shocking not only to those who are diagnosed, but also affects all other family members as well. First reaction usually is anger, frustration and fear.  We are afraid of the pain of treatment, the uncertainty in cancer progress and our future. Death and sickness for some people are challenges that threaten their faith. It becomes difficult for our faith to be nourished and strengthened in the love of God when we are faced with this difficult disease. In such situation can help prayer for healing and strength, prayer for healing cancer, health and comfort.

  • Keep hope alive – God is with you every time of the day and even in this trial time.
  • Your faith is needed in prayer for strength and healing – Your level of faith is proportional to the healing you get.
  • Pray the Christian prayer for healing cancer and strength.

Really the only way to stay strong in such situations is to address God with our prayers. Even those people who feel far away from God, try to find some hope and encouragement in His words and say prayer for healing.

God always gives us a hope, He is always with us as Isaiah 43:2 says: “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you”. So you need to be: “strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Keep hope alive

In cancer situation we need to stay strong and keep hope. The Word of God is the most powerful weapon we have as His children to ward off threats to our faith. We should know that although the sickness might be exhausting, we need to rely on God’s will and mercy.

Prayer for strength and healingGod is with you every time of the day and even in this trial time, He knows you inside and out and knows the pains you are experiencing right now. He alone has the power to help you in such situation.

The Word of God in Matthew 11: 28 says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy-laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.” This is only one of many promises of God for you in His word. The study of the God’s word help you to discover many truths in the Bible pertaining to you.

God is aware of what you are going through.  He only wants you to talk to Him and trust Him. God will give you hope and confidence in the healing, health and strength in your situation. What you need to do is as 1 Thessalonians 5:17 say: “pray without ceasing”. In this article, we will list some powerful prayer points for the healing of cancer and giving strength in disease situation. Don’t lose faith and God will touch you at the very point where you need Him.

Your faith is needed in prayer for strength and healing

I know how your hope may have got dashed when you got the report from your doctor concerning this disease. Gоd’ѕ Wоrd says the рrауеr оf faith ѕhаll heal the sick. Go tо God today іn fаіth аnd аѕk that Hе heals уоu frоm ѕісknеѕѕ. We rесеіvе hеаlіng by faith.

Oреn yourself uр tоdау to God’s blessings, hеаlіng аnd mіrасlеѕ. Let аll worries lеаvе уоur heart. Dоn’t fоrgеt and believe that уоu hаvе the Gоd who саrеѕ, who lоvеѕ уоu ѕо dеерlу аnd wіll nеvеr lеt уоu go.

Prayer for healing

Your Daily Prayer cultivates a personal relationship with God. The same with prayer for healing cancer, it maintains a deep meaningful and personal relationship with God!

Also, your level of faith is proportional to the healing you get. You may never understand why God allowed this to happen to you but you should trust His word in Jeremiah 29:11. His plan for you is to prosper, give you good health and a future. See your future from today; refuse to believe that this disease would terminate your plans.

Your level of faith is proportional to the healing you get

Although the questions “Why me? Why should this happen to me?” may be on your lips, we should understand that God allows some things to happen on purpose. This doesn’t mean He loves you less or  that it is  punishment for your sins.

Do not underestimate His love for you. Accept this situation as part of your life and keep the hope in your heart, that even if God have other plan for you here on earth, you will reign with Him eternally.

Christian prayer for healing cancer and strength

God, I know the burden of my healing is upon your shoulders, therefore I place this burden of cancer into your hands and I ask that you lift me up in body, soul and spirit even when my faith is shaken and hope is declining.  I pray for hope, strength and encouragement. Please work in my heart, please take away all my fears. I pray for consolation and reconciliation.

And I thank you for your love you give to me. I know that you are aware of what this illness is causing to my body right now, I ask you God, be merciful for me. Your word in Psalm 107:19-20 says that when I call out to you, you will give the command, heal and rescue me from death and diseases, I have read of your wondrous healing in the Bible and I believe that in the same way  you will heal cancer in my body.

I know that there is nothing impossible for you, so I ask  you for healing in this situation of my life too. Please let me know and understand your plans for me and help me to feel your presence like never before.

My experience in life has taught me that it is not everyone who falls sick gets healed. If that happen to be me in this situation, help me to know and understand your plans for me and let me be calm.

I thank you God for my hope of healing and health. I pray you God, that you guide the doctors in the treatment of my disease. Amen.

Hold on to your faith, the promises of God and keep the hope alive. Remember the daily prayer for strength and enjoy the peace of God. God bless you!

Related article: How can I truly believe Jesus Christ in my heart?