Did you know that science has shown that faith helps people to keep positive life attitudes and thoughts? Faith can help people remain optimistic no matter what their circumstances may be and change their lives. The Bible describes faith this way: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1).
Studies have shown many times that what people believe affects their performance and can even improve their health. Low expectations often yield poor results, while high expectations often yield good results. Faith gives people reasons to believe good things and to have high expectations. With faith, people can believe that positive outcomes are always possible even in the worst of circumstances. Faith assures the believer that good will always triumph over evil and that the best is yet to come.
Faith and purpose
Faith tells that God created the world, and it is good. Faith emphasizes that God created people to rule over the world. These basic beliefs give people a sense of foundation and grounding. People who have faith know that they are alive for a reason and that they have a purpose. Having a sense of purpose is essential to good mental health, and there can be serious psychological side effects when there is no sense of purpose. Anxiety, depression, and boredom are a few of the potential consequences of having no purpose (Taylor, 2013). Faith provides people with a reason for living positive life, having positive attitude and changin their lives to the best.
Faith can cause people to feel inspired by God so that they desire to seek a goal and change their lives. Focusing on a goal helps to prevent a person from dwelling on other things, including negative thoughts. People who are focused on a goal simply do not have a lot of time to worry about other things! Problems that might seem enormous under other circumstances automatically seem smaller when a person is focused on something bigger and more important.
Faith and forgiveness
Faith gives us the perception that God gives chances and possibilities in all situations. Faith provides unconditional forgiveness as well as teaching people how to forgive others. Psychologists have noticed that people who have a religious faith seem better able to forgive than those who do not. This has several mental health benefits.
Forgiveness tends to lower the likelihood of psychiatric disorders as well as depression and anxiety. People who can forgive also tend to have lower mortality rates. One five-week study monitored participants and discovered that when a participant’s level of forgiveness increased, his or her stress decreased (Weir, 2017). The same researcher also found that praying could help a person to be more forgiving. So in this way faith helps people to forgive, which lowers their stress levels and leads to more positive attitudes about life.
Faith and hope
Faith also gives hope. Hope can actually change the chemical responses in the brain. According to scientist Jerome Groopman, “Researchers are learning that a change in mind-set has the power to alter neurochemistry. Belief and expectation — the key elements of hope – can block pain by releasing the brain’s endorphins and enkephalins, mimicking the effects of morphine.” (Enayati, 2013). Hope helps to protect against stress and the emotional effects of difficult life events. In this way, hope helps people to maintain positive life attitudes in all circumstances.
Faith and personal responsibility
Faith gives the understanding that each person is responsible to change his or her own inner world and way of thinking. It is not anyone else’s responsibility to do this for him or her. Accepting responsibility for one’s own feelings allows the person to stop feeling like a helpless victim and decide do something proactive to address problems. Knowing that one has the ability and the resources to make changes is an important key to maintaining a positive attitude. Faith also reminds people that God will help them to do things that they are not capable of doing on their own. This realization gives many people the strength to keep trying when they would otherwise give up.
Positive life benefits
Many studies have shown that people often see what they expect to see. They often get what they expect to get. This is called the self-fulfilling prophecy. A man who expects the world to be hostile will tend to feel that people are being more hostile than they really are. He will then behave as though they are being hostile, which will likely cause them to behave in a more hostile way. But a man who expects the world to be a friendly place will behave as though it is friendly, which will often cause others to behave in a friendly manner. Faith guards against negative expectations and encourages positive ones. Faith helps people to expect good things because they know that God is in control and will not fail them. Believers are then able to relax and trust God rather than worry and fret. This positive life attitude can help to bring about the positive things they expect.
Faith can truly make the difference between a negative life and a positive life.
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Sources: Enayati, A. (2013, April 11). How hope can help you heal., Taylor, S. (2013, July 21). The power of purpose. psychologytoday.com, Weir, K. (2107). Forgiveness can improve mental and physical health. Monitor on Psychology, 48(1), 30.
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