Destiny's Child depression

Founding Member of ‘Destiny’s Child’ Reveals Struggle with Depression

This past week Michelle Williams, a Gospel singer and one of the founding members of the pop/R&B group, Destiny's Child was at Liberty University...
U2 singer Bono prayer Mass

U2 Singer Bono surprise – secret participation at Mass in Bogota

People participating at Sunday Mass in Bogotá (8 October) couldn’t believe their eyes, when they saw that one of the greatest world’s music stars...
Why should I read the Bible

Why should I read the Bible? Daily guide and reading plan

Why should I read the Bible daily? Why not read books on how to make money instead or other interesting books? If you are...
Christian Priorities in life

FAMILY: Christian priorities in life. List of main and most important...

FAMILY: Christian priorities in life. Biblical list of priorities in life of main and most important ones. Have you ever wondered what shall be...
believe Jesus Christ

How can I truly believe Jesus Christ in my heart –...

Many people feel internal resistance to believe Jesus Christ our Lord. Perhaps they might have seen or heard reasons why they should but still...
how to clean natural

How to clean your home with natural products

Creating a life you love is more than a clean home. But it is an integral part of everyday life. In this article we will...
Living with alcoholic father steps how to respect him

Dealing and living with alcoholic father. Steps how to respect and...

For those people who grew up in a home where father is responsible, supportive, caring and loving, it can never be difficult to love...
Bad parenting avoid tips

Poor and bad parenting skills. 5 tips and advice for Christian...

Bad parenting arises as a result of subsequent acts of poor nurturing of kids that invariably harm their conduct and mindset. Some parents, later...
Leadership skills

5 the most important and good leadership skills to develop at...

Leadership skills are not inherited; they are learned through training. The first training ground we find ourselves is home, which is the smallest unit...
why is the Bible important

Why is the Bible important God’s Word book for Christians to...

Asking why is the Bible important God's Word book for Christians to read is like asking why eating is important for the body or...
Word of God

Is Bible Inspired Word of God? True proof, authenticity, and promise

Looking at it very well, people ask these question often, is the Bible truly the word of God? Is it directly given to men...
Caring old parents

Elderly care, what does Bible teach about caring old parents

Christianity’s understanding of the family and elderly care is rooted deeply in the soil of ancient Israel. When Moses descended Mount Sinai with the Ten...