why do we need jesus christ in our lives

Why Do We Need Jesus Christ In Our Lives? 10 Reasons

In this modern age where people have free spirits, and Google has the answer to just about everything many people ask “Why do we...
tori kelly christian

Tori Kelly Christian Faith Manifestation – Album “Hiding Place”

Tori Kelly is set to showcase her Christian faith to multitudes of her fans worldwide. She releases her album Hiding Place. This album is...
What does it mean to be adopted by god

What does it Mean to be Adopted by God, into God’s...

What does it Mean to be Adopted by God, into God's Family? Bible verses about adoption into God's family. It is good when we...
kingdom of God like a mustard seed

Kingdom of God Like a Mustard Seed – Have Faith Like...

What does it mean to have faith like a mustard seed? Is Kingdom of God like a mustard seed? What does Scripture say to...
how could i change the world

How Could I Change the World? Begin with yourself

Quite often we ask the question "How could I change the world?" We dream about doing something significant and great. But great changes start...
tips to be a better wife

Tips to be a Better Wife and Ways to Improve Marriage...

Success of marital life depends on both spouses, but in most cases women can change the situation to better. Please find tips to be...
bible about not judging others

Bible About Not Judging Others. Who are We to Judge?

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the...
Vine and Branches meaning in the Bible

Jesus the Vine and Branches meaning in the Bible

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every...
Victory belongs to Jesus

Victory Belongs to Jesus Todd Dulaney Song Lyrics and Chords

Victory belongs to Jesus is a hit single from Todd Dulaney’s album "A Worshipper’s Heart". The music has been an inspiration for millions of...
chain breaker chords

Zach Williams Chain Breaker Lyrics and song Chords

Zach Williams is the Christian rock artist and a Grammy award winner born in Arkansas who is familiar to the crowd since 2007. Zach...