Grammy Gospel singer Natalie Grant Recovering from Throat Surgery


Grammy-nominated Gospel singer, Natalie Grant, came out of surgery with doctors saying that “everything went perfectly.” Last month, Grant announced the surgery through a Facebook Live video where she said that doctors were planning on removing the right side of her thyroid. Apparently, there was a chance that they were cancerous and the doctors wanted to take care of them as early as possible.

Natalie Grant in hospital, Oct 10, 2017.
Natalie Grant in hospital, Oct 10, 2017. (Photo: FACEBOOK/NATALIEGRANT)

Before going in for surgery, Grant posted a video where she shared her faith in God and confidence that he would take care of her. She discussed how thankful she was for the Church by saying,“I’m overwhelmed by the love and the beauty of the family of God.”

She then went on to share how her pastor had preached on the story from Mark 2 about Jesus healing a crippled man who was lowered through a building’s roof by his friends. In the story, Jesus tells all of the men that their faith was instrumental in the crippled man’s healing. This encouraged Grant as she faced this trial, knowing she had many, many people praying for her.

She concluded her video by saying that, though nervous, she wasn’t scared because God was going before her. This confidence carried her into the hospital and through the surgery.

This attitude of quiet confidence also pervaded her husband, Bernie Herms’s social media account. Before sending her into surgery, he posted a picture of both of them on Instagram and wrote, “We vowed ‘through sickness and in health’. Today I am beside her in pre-op for a few last moments, as she faces thyroid surgery. I’m in awe at the strength of this woman, her faith building mine by the minute. We Believe #godisourhealer.”

Only 9 hours later, he posted a picture of her on her Facebook page along with the following message, “She is awake and her surgeon said everything went perfectly. Hallelujah! God is faithful and kind. Thx for your prayers. We are so grateful for your love and support.”

As long as her recovery goes smoothly, Natalie is planning on beginning her 12 city “Celebrate Christmas” tour with Danny Gokey in late November.