How can I Spread the Word of God on Social Media? Some tips

spread the word of god

With more than one billion people worldwide using social medias every second of the day, many churches and those involved in ministry are either concerned or unaware of the opportunities this social network brings for them to spread the Word of God and reach out to their target audience. When Jesus was leaving this earth after he was crucified, he commanded his disciples to spread the gospel around the world. Apart from traditional means of evangelism (face-to-face), social media like Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are tools to help Christian spread the gospel. They help build an online community, share relevant information, preach the Word of God, help people strengthen their faith in Christ and inspire them on a daily basis.

Romans 10:14 says, “and how shall they believe if they haven’t heard, and how shall they believe without a Preacher”. This verse tells us the need to reach for the ones who are yet to know Christ. People will not believe unless they have heard, they will not hear of it unless they have a Preacher. Since many business owners and individuals have been using social media to market their brands and reach out to their target audience. Why can’t the Christian make an effective use of the social platform as well?

Spread the Word of God in Social Media

Today many churches, ministries and individual missionary have set up a Facebook page as they look to connect with and strengthen their local church and online communities reaching out the Non-Christian. A lot of Christian based websites and blogs have emerged and many in the church have been using these platforms to share the gospel in the form of motivational quotes, Bible verses, musical tracks, articles and the likes to reach out to people in and outside the church. Sometimes simple words “Jesus loves you”, “Never give up”, “You are not alone”, “It’s never too late” send a powerful message to people just as if God himself is speaking to us through those messages and could be exactly what the soul needs at that moment. By sharing quotes, scriptures, articles, someone somewhere will either read it or listen to your message and give his/her life to Christ.

How to be Visible in Social Media?

Social media is a great tool but like any other tools you have to learn how it can work for you, understand it’s strengths as well as its limitations. Facebook and other social network needs planning to be more effective. Getting started with social media is the easy part but and growing it is another thing.

Simply posting irrelevant content won’t make an impact. People are drawn to authentic content that offers hope and inspiration. Social media also requires time, good communication skills, perseverance and commitment to get a great result. 1 Thessalonians 5:11says,  “Wherefore comfort yourself together, and edify one another, even as also ye do”. So how does the church, ministries and individual missionary in our rapidly changing world stay relevant, keep in touch, share the word, encourages and build one another both with everyday Christians and with those who do not yet know Christ? Social media may have part of the answer.

Here are some ways and tips Christian can utilize the social media to spread the Gospel and reach out to the target audience.

Post The Right Content on Social Media To Engage and Inspire Audience

As a Christian, we can influence the views of others. We can bring encouragement and spiritual guidance to other people. Also we can pray for friends and their needs. Hebrews 10:24 25 says “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching”. We can use social media to post articles about the Christian magazines, scriptures, create engaging contents that tell people about God love toward humanity, share the testimony of people who got saved if possible we can use our personal life story as an example of Gods divine love and grace.

Most times people who are depressed, sorrowful, abandoned, lonely, angry or facing one problem comes online searching for unconditional love, comfort, hope, encouragement, and answers to many things. Utilize social media to spread the Word of God and engage them with the right message that uplift their spirit and make them see the possibility of good and greater future in Christ. You can start by creating a Facebook page, then add your friends. Share a daily Bible guide or manual, share the work and accomplishments of others. Take the time to read what others have to and give positive feedback. Post updates that will encourage, inspire others to do right; to keep striving and to keep pressing forward in Christ.

spread the word of god

Share Videos To Capture Your Target Audience

One most popular to share message online is through video. Video post goes online as most people prefer watching to reading YouTube, Instagram, Facebook are where everyone goes to watch online. Engagement is high simply because it’s easy to watch and share on social media especially on YouTube. Ministry, churches and individual missionary can upload and share and audio of their Church programs, Educational videos, Field ministration, Choir ministration, Drama ministration, Christian musical videos or audios on this social network. People will listen/watch, comment and share them with their friends and loved ones hereby linking more people to your page or site. These are great to spread the Word of God and reach billions of people all over the world even right where you are.

Upload Photos To Share On Social Media

A simple picture quote can bring smile and revive lost hope in people. This is one great way to share the love of Christ and spread the gospel. You can use software, web application or mobile apps Phonto, textgram, piclab to create your own picture quotes. Photos could be Jesus picture, Bible verse, and Christian celebrities. You can use that represents your church or brand mission. And you will be surprised at the outcome when your followers start commenting and sharing the pictures or even tagging their friends.

You can also upload the pictures of any event held in your local church or on the mission field to your site or Facebook page and share with your audience. Many people will give 100% focus and attention to picture or picture quotes than a normal post because their work or time doesn’t permit them to read longer articles.  And since our duty as a Christian is to spread the Word of God to as many people as possible, then we must find the means to accomplish our mission.

Share Inspirational Quotes To Motivate

Just quotes, inspirational quotes are motivational words or Bible verses written to uplift a broken heart, share hope, strengthen people’s faith, and spread the gospel. Inspiration quotes do not need to be in form of a picture. Many people love reading inspirational quotes, especially in the morning as it often strengthens faith and restores lost hope. You get engagement through inspirational quotes as your audience will comment and share with online friends they know also needs the words of encouragement at that moment. You might never get to know how many lives you impacted or souls won to Christ with your message or post.

Christian should use social media to engage spiritual seekers and help them meet their spiritual needs just like our traditional face-to-face evangelism. Always remember you are a brand the moment you start sharing and engaging your audience. Whatever you share or post reflects who you are and what you represent. You become a brand that people trust, love to listen to or read your post because it gives them joy, hope and helps them retrace their path and make restitution. Then anything you introduce will be welcome, be it inspirational books/eBooks, Bible study courses, video CDs, Christian magazines and the likes. Your audience gets to see you as a spiritual mentor or leader. You might start getting peoples invitation to be their guest speaker and give a motivational speech or sermon in churches or Christian frictions, which in addition will open more avenues to spread the Word of God.

As a Christian do not misuse the opportunity you have today, use your presence on the social media for fellowship and spread the Word of God and you will be glad you did. Apart from the testimonies that will come thereafter, there is also a reward for every thing we do as a Christian. Revelation 22:12 says “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done”.

Also read: Reasons to Read the Bible Daily