A question of faith. Am I wrong to have Christian faith and God questions?
There is nothing wrong with having Christian faith, faith knowledge questions or God questions. Throughout generations, there have been stories of how people doubted and...
The Second Coming of Christ in the Bible
Franklin D. Roosevelt once said “We have nothing to fear but fear it self”. But another great man, Rod Serling, said “You have just...
How to Know when God is Speaking to you through Bible words, People
How to know when God is speaking to you in different ways, through his word Bible verses, through people? As children of God, whenever...
I am depressed, feel stressed and sad. How can God help me?
Today, we can often hear people saying: I am depressed, feel stressed and sad. Depression is a state of mind that God has not...
How to trust God in difficult times? Believe and trust in slow work of...
I had the opportunity of riding a roller coaster for the first time with my dad when I was nine years old. As soon...
Are you accepting Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and Savior?
Why you have difficulties accepting Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord and personal Savior? Last week, we received a mail from one of...
Importance of Christmas Eve
Importance of Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is an important period prior to Christmas Day and is held on 24th December each year. It is...
Who is Jesus Christ? Meaning, History, Facts about His Life
A little over two thousand years ago, a baby boy was born in a small, rural hamlet called Bethlehem. He spent most of his...
How can I truly believe Jesus Christ in my heart – Guidelines
Many people feel internal resistance to believe Jesus Christ our Lord. Perhaps they might have seen or heard reasons why they should but still...