to tell the truth

How to learn to tell the truth? Bible verses and quotes about telling truth

It happens to each one us – from time to time it is difficult for us to tell the truth all the time.  We’re...
Battling depression with God

Battling Depression, When the Only Thing Left Was God

In the spring of 2006, depression attacked me and my whole world changed. My chest and stomach tightened. My thoughts and emotions became unglued....
How do you know you have forgiven someone

How do you know you have forgiven someone? Let go truly and really

Many times we want to get even for the wrongs that have been done to us. “Why should he do this to me? Why...
follow Jesus

Follow Jesus and Learn to Set Priorities in Your Life

Marriage, children, successful career, an exciting private life and social commitment. How to find the best way to combine all these? Is that even...
overcome sin and temptation

How can I take steps to overcome sin temptation in my Christian life?

In this lifetime there are so many temptations to sin. Most Christians struggle with sin. You can never overcome sin on your own. You...
make the right choice as a christian

Make the Right Choice as a Christian. What would you Choose?

We make different choices every day. God’s word tells us what to do and how to act so we can make the right choice....
Lord has made everything for its purpose

The Lord has made everything for its purpose, nothing is useless in life

The Lord has made everything for its purpose in the world and called them beautiful. He was pleased with the works of his creation....
Faith Helps to Keep Positive Life Attitude and Thoughts

Scientists Prove Faith Helps to Keep Positive Life Attitude and Changes

Did you know that science has shown that faith helps people to keep positive life attitudes and thoughts? Faith can help people remain optimistic...
how can i be sure of my salvation

How can I be Sure of my Salvation? Bible verse – it is...

How can I be sure of my salvation. The word of God in John 3:16 speaks about the great love of God towards His...
gods involvement

Discover God’s Involvement in Our Lives

What does Bible say about the God's involvement in our lives? Let's read these verses in Genesis 24:12-22Then he prayed, “Lord, God of my...